As the oldest of Russ & Lori's children, Russ Jr. has extensive hunting experience and often takes the lead. Russ is committed to his faith and is a leader in his church community, serving with passion and Holy Spirit fire. With Russ Jr., you can always be assured of getting the full hunting experience; he is committed to giving 100% to everything he does. Russ is confident and wise. There will not be a dull moment in the stand with him as your guide, as he is the family's storyteller. He's always building up the other guides and promoting a fun, productive atmosphere. As a devoted husband and father of 7 children and five grandchildren, his children have all committed their lives to Jesus and are avid Whitetail hunters.

Ryan is the next to the oldest Walk son. Ryan works extremely hard for his hunters and has the ability to look at others as himself. He's very quick to observe and adapt to any hunting situation. No one is better at aging deer and scoring them on the hoof. Ryan is empathetic and caring. He's a man of honest integrity and is unselfish, as he always thinks of others. He's loyal to his family, hunters, and his relationship with God. His life and family reflect his sold-out life and commitment to following Jesus in all that he says and does in every aspect of his daily life. Ryan invests extra time and energy in ensuring his hunters have the best hunting experience possible. Ryan is an active and involved husband and father to his four children. His role model as a righteous man of God, dedicated outdoorsman, and hunter has influenced his family to follow his example.

Heath is a Walk son who is an amazingly experienced and passionate worldwide hunter. Heath has exceptional skills in tracking, observation, patience, and seamlessly navigating the wilderness. He is skilled in anticipating animal behavior and consistently demonstrates a deep respect for his prey and the environment he hunts in. Heath is a selfless man of God who understands what it means to serve others above himself. Heath is a dedicated hard worker who does whatever it takes to help those around him. Heath's hunters can be assured they will have a top-notch guide who thoroughly understands woodsmanship and will provide the best opportunity for harvesting the trophy buck of a hunter's dreams. Heath is a faithful lover of Jesus, husband, and father of four. Heath started hunting and fishing at a very young age, and he's a seasoned and experienced outdoorsman today, hunting and fishing at his dad's side with his son around the country.

Isaac, as the youngest Walk son, is passionate about his family, his relationship with Jesus Christ, and serving and embracing the will of God for his life. Isaac is a very skilled hunter and guide. He can adjust his hunting strategies based on weather conditions, terrain, and Whitetail behavior, assisting his hunters in successfully harvesting a Whitetail giant. He has exceptional tracking and observation skills, paying extreme attention to details. He can accurately read Whitetail and signs, identifying age and score. Isaac is a lot of fun to be around, and his hunters love the hunting experience he provides. Once a hunter hunts with Isaac, they are committed to permanently having him as their guide, as they want no other. Isaac is a devoted husband and father of 5. At 5 years old and 3 years old, one of his daughters and sons joined the Walk Buck Club by harvesting their first buck this season. Isaac believes in teaching them young, and they will tell you their favorite thing to do is go hunting, fishing, or trapping with Daddy.

The oldest Walk grandson in the guide line up. Bubba loves the outdoors and grew up being mentored in hunting and guiding by his dad, Russ Jr, and his Pap, Russ Sr. Bubba was raised with the love of hunting in his blood. Growing up at Quest Haven gave him a foundational understanding of what it takes to be a top-notch guide. In 2022, Bubba got his first guiding opportunities and did outstanding, always going the extra mile to help his hunters obtain success. Bubba is a go-getter and a fun guide to hunt with; his hunters are never disappointed as he has great success in the field and shows his hunters a great time. Bubba is known around camp for his ability as a great guide and as the jerky man. When Bubba isn't guiding, he and his wife are busy making deer jerky for hunters. Bubba is the proud daddy of his newborn baby boy, Jagger. Bubba started praying for this little guy when he was eight years old, and his prayers have been answered. Bubba is a devoted husband and father, leading his family to know and love Jesus.

Haiden started guiding in 2022 and has been a top-level guide from the very beginning. As a Walk grandson and the son of guide Ryan Walk, Haiden has been raised in the atmosphere of QH with a deep-seated love and understanding of the outdoors and Whitetail hunting. Shadowing his dad growing up and learning from a first-hand perspective of excellence has instilled in Haiden a secure foundational understanding of being a guide of distinction. Haiden has good instincts and can anticipate the very next move of his prey. He has the innate knowledge of the game he is hunting, which he has acquired from years of spending hours in the field learning the characteristics of Whitetail to be the prolific hunter and guide he is today. Haiden is an honest man of integrity with a heart for serving God in all areas of his life; hunters describe him as a stellar young man with whom they thoroughly enjoy spending time. His hunters have great success as he's dedicated to doing all he can do to provide a outstanding hunt experience.

Doug has a deep love for the outdoors and as the property manager of Quest Haven, he spends his days helping Russ Sr. make Quest Haven a beautiful whitetail paradise. Doug is also an experienced guide for Quest Haven and will go the extra mile for his hunters. Doug's life experience enables him to be empathetic towards those around him and his hunters leave feeling as though they have made a lifelong friend. He is a man of wholehearted faith and a man of God. Doug is a committed Godly husband and father of three sons, one of whom is QH guide Torey. Doug is the proud pappy of 15 grandchildren and counting.

Torey Glenny
Torey is a Walk son-in-law married to an enthusiastic hunting wife. They raise their seven children to know and love Jesus and the outdoors. Torey is dedicated, genuine, and resourceful. He goes above and beyond to show his hunters the time of their lives. Torey has the energy it takes to navigate whatever is necessary to make a successful hunt. His hunters always enjoy the extras he provides for them. Torey consistently encourages those around him. When he isn't guiding, he is a professional tracker and avid outdoorsman raising his children to follow in his footsteps.

Joe is a great asset to the Quest Haven Family. He is compassionate and patient with the hunters he guides, providing every opportunity to be successful in their quest to find the Whitetail buck of their dreams. He goes above and beyond to provide the best Whitetail hunting experience. Joe is committed and resourceful to ensuring his hunters have a positive QH experience. He enjoys hunting and is a Whitetail enthusiast. When Joe isn't guiding, he is the pastor of Nittany Bible Church and a committed spiritual leader to his wife and two beautiful daughters.